About “Elvis - Aloha from Hawaii” – La Valette Social Centre Blacktown

Please Note:
Choose the table number you want to sit at and the number of tickets for that table. The ticketing software will advise when booking how many tickets are still available for that table for you to see. We are not booking specific seats so when arriving please choose your seats at the table.
We are excited to be performing our "Elvis - Aloha from Hawaii" show at the La Valette Social Club Sydney with Parkes Elvis Festival Award Winning Elvis Tribute Artist - Doug Charles ( Douglas Mizzi)
We have been working hard with the La Valette Social Club to bring together our spectacular Elvis show for you all. We are bringing our Big Screen Elvis Show all the way from Queensland for you to enjoy a great evening and show.
We wanted to bring our audience the feel of the big theatre to the venue, so we are setting up our two large 3m screens. We have created a special video content with Elvis on screen and Doug Charles on main stage and vocals throughout the show for a real Elvis Experience.
So what could be more fun than a night listening to Elvis at this Hawaiian Themed show. I have discussed at length with the venue about creating not just a sit down event but a real interactive event where my lovely audience can get up and dance to beautiful ballads or some great rock n roll.
As such we have forfeited around 60 seats so we can ensure a great dance floor for everyone to use. the downside is less available tickets so get in early. it's a really great show with Jumpsuits, Lighting, Glitz and jam packed with Entertainment.
We encourage all our audience to get up and enjoy the dance floor all night, but don't worry if you leave your dance shoes at home as Doug loves coming out into the Audience for that close up and personal feel.
Doug focus's on audience participation, and with our Hawaiian night expect some giveaways especially those dressed in a Hawaiian theme. As part of the show Doug will hand out a few scarves to some chosen female audience members just as Elvis did on stage during some of his slower songs, as well as some little Teddy Bears. Often he will choose a male member of the audience and give out one of his rings - everyone loves that.
DRESS CODE: Hawaiian, Hawaiian, Hawaiian
Yep you got it. Girls Hawaiian Skirts and boys dust off those Hawaiian Shirts cos this is the time to wear them. If it's Hawaiian then wear it or bring it.
As part of the evening Doug will set up the stage beautifully with a wonderful themed Hawaiian backdrop and ensure everyone has a lei on admission.
This show is the full Elvis event, with professional hi quality PA, audio and lighting equipment, full backdrop, separate photo backdrop (space permitting). Doug will perform two 1 hour sets of songs and entertainment plus a 25 minute break with back ground music.
Doug dresses in full Elvis regalia with Jumpsuits, or similar recognised Elvis outfits including the Famous Aloha from Hawaii American Eagle Jumpsuit.
Doug is very interactive and loves to come out during the show and meet the audience as well as engaging in photo opportunities, so be sure to get some pre and post show pics.
Format for the evening
Restaurant ready for bookings from 5:00pm
Show starts at 7:00pm – 8:00pm 1st set 1 hour.
Break & Costume Changeover 8:00pm – 8:30pm
Second Set 8:30pm – 9:30pm 2nd set 1 hour
Visit our website HERE