About Arlington Milne, Elms+King and The Hunted Co Warehouse Sale 2024
Warehouse Sale
Arlington Milne - Elms+King - The Hunted Co
Arlington MILNE // ELMS+KING // The Hunted Co
It is TIME ladies and gents for the Arlington MILNE / ELMS+KING / The Hunted Co WAREHOUSE SALE!
This will be a ticketed EVENT.
You will be allocated 50 minutes to browse at your leisure - with no more than 15 customers in store at any one time.
On sale will be discontinued apparel & accessories as well as samples, seconds and some cheeky ones off’s from Arlington Milne and Elms+King, plus apparel and homewares from brands stocked instore by The Hunted Co.
New stock will be added each day.
TICKETS - Price $20
- The eTicket reserves your allocated time for attendance and entry is not permitted without an eTicket. The eTicket can only be used at the allocated date and time stated on the ticket.
- The Ticket price of $20 is applied to your purchase on the day.
- $20 can only be applied once.
- $20 Is not redeemable for cash on the day if no purchases are made.
- $20 is not refundable if you can't make it - just like a concert!
We look forward to seeing you all there!
Take note:
No parking is available at location, but ample free parking is available within 5-minute walking distance at both Bunnings and Home HQ Artarmon.
We look forward to seeing you all there!