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Ticketebo: Your Green Event Ticketing Partner

Environmentally Aware Event Ticketing Delivered

Ticketebo is passionate about the environment and playing our part in positively supporting the planet.

Mangrove Reforestation projects

We are committed to ensuring that our business and products will have no impact on the environment, in addition our Trees for Change Program ensures that we positively impact the environment.

Our Business (and all the ticketing services we deliver to patrons and organisers) has been Carbon Neutral since 2020, and our business will achieve Net-Zero by 2030 (or sooner).

As an Event Organiser partnering with Ticketebo to deliver tickets for your event, you can be assured that the provision of our ticketing products & services to you and your patrons are Certified Carbon Negative.

Furthermore, through Ticketebo’s Trees for Change program, a program which engages our event organisers and their patrons, we are proud to support a series of hand picked reforestation projects across the world (which are independently verified, measured and assessed against the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals) and deliver lasting environmental and social change.


Ticketebo's initiatives to reduce climate change:

Our initiatives to support the Environment focus around the delivery of two key outcomes:

1. Achieve Net-Zero Carbon Emissions:

Rimba Raya - the world's largest privately-funded orangutan sanctuary

Carbon Neutral event ticketing by Ticketebo

Ticketebo (the business, and all the products and services we deliver - including every ticket sold) is Certified Carbon Neutral. Ticketebo has an extensive program of change across all facets of our business, and supply chain, to reduce the carbon footprint of our business; products and services. Our goal is to be Net-Zero by 2030 (or sooner).

Today we reluctantly accept a small residue carbon footprint remains, and Ticketebo purchases Carbon Offsets in recognised Verified Carbon Standard projects to negate this carbon impact. Ticketebo’s Carbon Offset program is independently audited and certified by carbon advisory consultants Carbon Institute Pty Ltd. For more information on Ticketebo’s status as a Certified Carbon Neutral business, our Carbon Footprint Audit and Carbon Offset certifications, learn more here.


2. Help the Planet via our Trees for Change program:

Trees for Change Mangrove reforestation

Ticketebo's Trees for Change Environmental Program

0 trees planted

Through the support of our Event Organisers, and their patrons, Ticketebo is proud to positively improve the planet through our Trees for Change Program. By the end of 2028, the program will have funded the planting of more than 500,000 trees.

Our program actively encourages and incentivizes our Event Organisers and their Patrons to go paperless when buying their tickets. In return for every paperless ticket order sent via SMS, Ticketebo and the Event Organiser will plant up to 3 trees. For more information on Ticketebo’s Trees for Change program visit here.


Find out more information

If you would like further information about Ticketebo’s policies and programs, and how we minimise carbon emissions and support the environment, please get in touch with us on 1800 381 939 or email us today on service@ticketebo.com.au