About Bairnsdale Speedway's Easter Saturday Race Meeting
Easter Saturday Evening (April 3rd) is the time to get along to the Bairnsdale Speedway to see the Wingless Sprints (Gary Bowden Cup), VSC Sprintcars, Standard Saloons 600 (Easter Classic), Divi 2 Hot Rods and the Compact Speedcars (Keith Astrella memorial Trophy)
Bairnsdale Speedway is a CASH ONLY venue.
CovidSafe Restrictions will be enforced. For details click HERE
For more information on how our QR code sign-in works visit HERE
The Canteen will be open for food and drinks.
Classed are subject to change, please check our Facebook page and website for updates.
Once we have reached our Covid Spectator limit of 1000 the sale of ticket will stop both here and at the gate. If we need to close the gates then Online Ticket holders will still be able to get in.
Section 74 of the Trades Practices Act (“the Act or any comparable legislation”) implies a warranty of due care and skill into contracts for the suppiy of services to consumers as defined in the, Act or any comparable legislate. Where such a warranty applies it cannot be excluded. Subject to the provisions of Section 74 of the Act or any comparable legislation, if applicable, all persons entering this venue do so at their own risk and neither the owners or lessees nor the promoters, sponsors, participants or other persons involved in any way in the running or promotion any event at this venue (“the Promoters”) will be liable either in tort or contract for any personal injury or loss of property to any person, whether caused by negligence of the Promoters or otherwise.