About 2018 Cider Industry Conference
ONLINE TICKETING TO THIS EVENT HAS NOW CLOSED. For more info please contact the event organiser.
Cider Producers, Apple and Pear Growers, Juicing Company representatives, Alcohol Marketers, Industry Suppliers and other stakeholders will once again converge on the picturesque apple growing community of Batlow this May for the 2018 Cider Industry Conference. The conference now in its 7th year, continues to attract high quality speakers, presenting on all aspect of Cider and Cider Apple growing. The Cider Industry Conference is the only event of its type in the Oceania region, making it an important point of reference and networking opportunity for all stakeholders in this rapidly growing segment of the alcoholic beverage market.
This year’s key note speaker is:
Peter Mitchell of Mitchell Food and Drink (Gloucestershire, UK) Cider maker and world recognised educator. 
Drawing on over 30 years of practical experience, Peter is a highly qualified and internationally recognised authority in cider & perry production. He is a professional trainer and presenter, acts as an advisor to clients across the world, is a UK and USA competition judge, an author and an award-winning producer in his own right.
Peter will present two topics at the 2018 conference “Cider – a world view” and “Yeast nutrition and management, process control for cider production”
The 2018 Cider Sensory Session will be led by award winning NSW cider maker James Kendell of Small Acres Cyder, who will take delegates on a journey of discovery comparing some of his traditional style Small Acres ciders with some imported traditional styles.
Cider Australia will present an update on their current and planned activities to support existing producers and foster the ongoing development of the industry.
The full Conference program is viewable by clicking here
If you are serious about the business of Cider, you can’t miss this valuable learning and networking opportunity.
The Cider Industry Conference and INCIDERS Networking Session (held Friday 18th May) are just the beginning of this unique event.
On the day prior to the conference (Thursday 17th May), Cider Australia will be in town to hold their Annual General Meeting. Further information relating to the Cider Australia AGM will be available on their website.
On Saturday 19th May, Batlow’s main street will come alive with an array of Ciders, Fine Local Foods and entertainment.
Further information about the 2018 Cider Industry Conference and the Batlow CiderFest is available via the website and facebook page.
^plus booking fee