While the live events industry globally has been on hold since March due to the Coronavirus pandemic, in Australia we are now seeing a return to some form of normality with the events sector coming alive again - albeit with lots of new accompanying norms (such as tight social distancing and capacity controls).
In these challenging times, it’s difficult to know what we can and can’t do in each state and territory of Australia. Keeping track of the ever changing restrictions and the Road to Recovery for each state and territory can be overwhelming, particularly for event organisers who need to work within these restrictions to safely deliver their events.
That's why we’ve done some of the hard work for you and created an Australian State and Territory Summary Guide. This covers the capacity restrictions currently in place for events around the country – both indoors and outdoors.
For links to each States' guide to their current restrictions, the below links will also be helpful:
VIC: https://www.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-restrictions-victoria
NSW: https://www.nsw.gov.au/covid-19/what-you-can-and-cant-do-under-rules
ACT: https://www.covid19.act.gov.au/community/canberra-recovery
SA: https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/restrictions-and-responsibilities
WA: https://www.wa.gov.au/organisation/department-of-the-premier-and-cabinet/covid-19-coronavirus-wa-roadmap
QLD: https://www.covid19.qld.gov.au/government-actions/roadmap-to-easing-queenslands-restrictions
NT: https://coronavirus.nt.gov.au/roadmap-new-normal/business/guidelines-for-events-and-gatherings
TAS: https://coronavirus.tas.gov.au/families-community/current-restrictions
In addition, as you know, Event Organisers will need to seamlessly execute strict capacity controls; know how many people are actively at the event at any time; execute Contact Tracing of patrons; and of course protect their staff with contact-less patron interactions. For this and more on how Ticketebo can support you to deliver COVID-Safe event Read More Here.
Disclaimer: While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy, relevance and up-to-date nature of the information contained in this article and attachment, no guarantee is given nor responsibility taken for errors or omissions. Please always check the latest rules and restrictions with your local government body (links provided above) to ensure all guidelines and any additional requirements have been met.